Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Final Project Part 1: RESEARCH


1. Write 3 sentences describing your weaknesses as an imagemaker (only one sentence about technical difficulties).

2. Write 3 sentences describing your strengths (only one sentence about technical strengths).

3. Use your answers to the following questions to write a statement on consistencies in your work.

A. Conceptual style and content
Are you interested in certain subjects? Do you use irony or humor in your images?
Do you use mood - are there moods that you repeatedly display?

B. What type of images do you like to create?

C. What visual approaches do you consistently employ? Which do you not employ?
Compositional, color, tone, scale, texture, etc.

Your statement is due in one hour. It must be in paragraph form, not just in Q & A format. Please think about your work as a whole, not just in this class.


Using what you wrote in your statement, find 3 artists whose process you admire and who share some of your interests. It is probably best not to choose a photographer. You could choose a musician or writer, they do not have to be a visual artist. But they do need to have written substantially about their process and craft. Bring your 3 choices back to class with whatever books you found - please discuss these 3 with me so we can choose one that will work for the assignment.
Go back to the library and see what is available on the artist you chose. You can also use the internet to get an idea of what is out there. This time, widen your search - exhibition catalogs can be a great resource for writing on your artist. You can choose someone who others have written extensively on, who do not necessarily write themselves. However, it will be easier for you if they have authored essays/artist statements on their own work.

HOMEWORK DUE next week:
Present the work of your artist and their ideas to the class (5-7 minutes). You must include the answers to the following questions:
1. Who were they inspired by? Who were their contemporaries?
2. What were they fighting against?
3. Why did they choose to make work?
4. What is their work about?
a. their point of view >> artist statements, interviews, essays
b. critics point of view >> art reviews, essays introducing exhibitions, collections of writings
c. Discuss what you have in common with this artist in terms of your own imagemaking process.
NOTE: do not want to hear story of their life, only their ideas >> you MUST have images/sound/text to support your representation of their ideas. You must have at least 10 examples in your presentation.

+ images
include in your presentation 3 photographs in which you employ the process and ideas of your artist. These images should not look like their work, but should reflect their philosophy on making. Be prepared to explain your visual choices.

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