NOTE: Your slideshow should be modeled after the slideshows we viewed in class (although they do not need to be newsworthy - you may push the format as long as the sequence creates a narrative. Consider how you wish to affect the viewer - will you create an emotional arc?
Editing the Audio
You can edit your Audio using Garage Band or another audio-editing tool into a brief (40-second to 1-minute) narration track. Don't include music unless there was music playing as part of the natural sound backdrop. The audio file should be short enough so that your photos fit comfortably in the audio timeframe. Save your audio as an .mp3 file. Garageband allows you to choose Share/Export File to Mp3. However, if you have i-tunes you can also select your sound file (within i-tunes) and convert it right in there (choose Advanced/Convert Selection to MP3). Listen carefully to the audio in the slideshows (nytimes examples) to better understand levels and tapering.
A few bits of info to help you with your audio edit. Remember, Soundslides ONLY ACCEPTS MP3 FILES.
1. If you choose to edit within Garageband, some versions of Garageband allow you to Share/Export to Mp3. Some earlier versions won't have that option. SO what you need to do is choose Share/Send Song to i-Tunes, and then in i-Tunes, select the "song" and then choose Advanced/Convert Selection to Mp3.
2. Finally, if you're in Garage Band and you want to fade in or fade out your tracks (and you should), here is a video tutorial to show you how to click down the track that has the audio control points...
Building the Interactive Audio Slideshow
With your photographs and your completed .mp3 file, you're ready to build the slideshow. Using the 10 best images you have, build a slideshow narrative with audio. You can do this using a program you are comfortable with already, or use the flash-based SoundSlides software, which you can download onto your computer (demo version is just fine for this project--you don't have to buy the software, but you will need to have a Flash Reader on your computer).
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